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Tip: With Advanced Search you can easily create lists like: all persons with surname Schaap who were born between 1820 and 1840 in Amsterdam
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man Boileau, Maxime* ‎14 Jan 2000* Kirkland Lake,ON
woman Boileau, Micheline X Brett Gallant* ‎18 Oct 1973
man Boileau, Nicholas* ‎27 Jan 1999* Sudbury, ON. Canada
man Boileau, Normand X Viviane Giroux* ‎24 Sep 1965
man Boileau, Patrick* ‎4 Jun 1994* Sudbury, ON. Canada
man Boileau, Patrick* ‎16 May 1988
woman Boileau, Suzanne X Darren Day* ‎28 May 1964* Sudbury, ON. Canada
man Boileau, Terry & N.N.* ‎21 Jul 1970
woman Bois, Émilie X Pierre Bossé* ‎12 Feb 1814* St-Jean Port Joli PQ† ‎12 Aug 1873† St-Jacques NB
woman Bois, Émilie & Pierre Bossé
man Bois, Étienne X Marie-Anne Bossé
man Bois, François & Véronique Dubé
man Boisclair, Frédéric & Marie Lottinville
woman Boisclair, Réjeanne X Léo Boulard
woman Boisonnault, Mélanie* ‎23 Oct 1989* North Bay, Ontario
woman Boisonnault, Mireille* ‎17 Jan 1988* North Bay, Ontario
man Boisonnault, Régeant X Michelle Boulard* ‎26 Aug 1958* Bonfield, Ontario
woman Boisonneault, Jacqueline X Henri Landry* ‎6 Jun 1941
man Boisson, André & Véronique Guignard
man Boisson, Simon X Madeleine Réaume
man Boissonault, Léo & Exilda Laplante
man Boissonneau, François & Léontine Beaudry
woman Boissonneau, Madeleine & Ovila Laferrière
woman Boisvenue, Adéline (Délima) Monet dit X Pierre Éthier
man Boisvenue, Adrien & Madeleine Daniel
woman Boisvenue, Amable
man Boisvenue, André Monet dit 1st X Madeleine Demers, 2nd X Marie Létang dit Brunet
man Boisvenue, Camille X Adéline Marque
woman Boisvenue, Caroline
man Boisvenue, Hypolite* ‎24 Jan 1804* St Eustache, Deux Montagnes
man Boisvenue, Isaïe X Ida Ayotte* ‎20 May 1899* Bonfield, Ontario† ‎30 May 1973† Sturgeon Falls, Ontario
man Boisvenue, Isaïe 1st X Virginie Lamothe, 2nd X Rachel Maisoneuve* ‎30 Nov 1861* Curran, Ontario† ‎Apr 1946† Field, Ontario
man Boisvenue, Jacques X Flore Boulard
man Boisvenue, Jacques* ‎21 Oct 1967* Port Colborne, Ontario
man Boisvenue, Jean X Aglaë Leblanc* ‎21 Sep 1902* Sturgeon Falls, Ontario† ‎30 Jan 1970† Sturgeon Falls, Ontario
man Boisvenue, Jean Paul & Goergette Morin
man Boisvenue, Jean-Baptiste X Archange Cyr
man Boisvenue, Jean-Baptiste X Marguerite Lauzon
man Boisvenue, Jean-Baptiste X Clémence Maranda
man Boisvenue, Jean-Baptiste & Élisabeth Aubin