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man Biro, Peter
man Biro, Peter & Susan Boulard
man Biron, Joseph X Odile Brière
man Bisaillon, Benedict & Louise Blais
man Bisaillon, Michel X Marguerite Fafard* Clermont, Auvergne, France† ‎before 1728
woman Bisson, Angele & Louis Parent* ‎2 Apr 1911
woman Bissonnet, Catherine & Rene Mercier
man Bissonnet, Jacques & Marguerite Collet
man Bissonnet, Jean & Marie Goupillet
woman Bissonnet, Pélagie & Alexis Nadeau
woman Bitmead, Ivy & Lionel Whyte
woman Blain, Catherine X René Gendron
woman Blais, Diane X Daniel Maisonneuve* ‎23 May 1967* Coniston, Ontario
man Blais, Jean-Paul & Pauline Richer
woman Blais, Louise & Benedict Bisaillon
woman Blais, Monique X Roland Goulard* ‎21 May 1965
man Blais, Pierre X Catherine Lavallée
man Blais, Pierre & Judith Julien
woman Blanchette, Caroline X Willie Sirois† ‎25 Mar 1941
woman Blondeau, Marguerite X Nicolas Giroux* ‎27 Jan 1696/97* St-Joseph de Québec
woman Blondin, Francoise & Gustave Lafargue
woman Blouf, Madeleine X Pierre Sauriol
woman Blouin, Albinise X Joseph Boulard
man Blouin, Émile & Blanche Cantin
woman Blouin, Jacqueline X Jean Boulard
man Blouin, Louis & Alma Piquette
man Bock, Ben & Juliette Chalifoux
man Bock, Maurice
woman Boémier, Archange & Pierre Girard
man Bohémier, Nicolas Lambert dit X Monique Luce Menard* ‎11 Jun 1821* Assumption, Sandwich
man Boileau, Ben* ‎7 Oct 1989
man Boileau, Brent* ‎1 Nov 1992
man Boileau, Eda
man Boileau, Gilles X Linda Marcotte* ‎21 Jun 1956* Chelmsford, Ontario† ‎17 Feb 1997† Field ON
man Boileau, Ida X Anna Goulard* ‎20 Sep 1902* Penetangueshene ON† ‎5 Jun 1984† Sudbury, ON. Canada
man Boileau, Joey* ‎10 Mar 1982
man Boileau, Léo X Jeanne Goulard* ‎23 Apr 1900* Lafontaine, ON† ‎25 Jun 1961† River Valley, ON. Canada
man Boileau, Leo* ‎1900
woman Boileau, Lévina & John St-Germain-Davis
man Boileau, Louis & Josephine Lacroix