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Tip: With Advanced Search you can easily create lists like: all persons with surname Schaap who were born between 1820 and 1840 in Amsterdam
You can also search without a name: all persons who died in 1901 in Amstelveen.
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man Belcourt, Daniel X Lise Laferrière* ‎18 Jun 1963* Hanmer, Ontario
woman Belcourt, Diane X Richard Lalonde* ‎16 Apr 1959* Chatham, Ontario
man Belcourt, Eryck* ‎30 Nov 1989
man Belcourt, Joël* ‎29 Oct 1980* Sudbury, Ontario
man Belcourt, Léonard X Claire Porlier* ‎6 Aug 1933
man Belcourt, Léonard & Claire Porlier
woman Belcourt, Maxime* ‎18 Mar 1993
man Belcourt, Michel X Carole Thériault* ‎26 Jul 1957† ‎21 Oct 1994† British Columbia
man Belcourt, Pascal* ‎5 Apr 1987
woman Belec, Jeanne X Gérard Goulard
man Belec, Ovila & M. Laure
man Bélisle, Mathias & Élisabeth Laurin
woman Bélisle, Philomène X Télesphore Boisvert
man Bélisle, Roméo X Flore Boulard
woman Beliveau, Annette & Philippe Kelly
woman Bellefeuille, Hélène & Jean-Baptiste Gauthier
woman Bellefeuille, Thérèse & Lionel Robitaille
woman Bellemare, Antoinette X Hervé Boulard
man Bellemare, Joseph & Agnès Houle
man Bellemare, Lionel X Juliette Boulard
woman Bellesoeur, Anne X Nicholas Massard
man Bellesoeur, Germain X Barbe Lucas
woman Belletete, Josephte & Olivier Lemaire
man Belleville, Delphis & Floride Garceau
man Belleville, Gilles X Rachel Boulard
woman Bénard, Armande X Noël Ethier
man Bénard, Denis X Marie Michelet
woman Bénard, Marguerite X Claude Bouchard
woman Bennett, Gail X Réal Carrier
woman Bennett, Linda X Luc Boulard* ‎31 May 1961* Sudbury, Ontario
man Bennett, Raymond & Jeannette Duhamel
man Benoist, Gabriel & Marie Anne Guedon* ‎1636
woman Benoist, Marguerite & Jean Guillaume Vacher-Lacerte
man Benoit, Claude & Anne Fontaine
woman Benoit, Élisabeth & Philias Gauthier
woman Benoit, Marguerite & Etienne Gelinas* ‎1679
woman Benoit, Marie Francoise & Joseph Therrien* ‎25 Apr 1706
man Benoit, Pierre X Clotilde Boulard
woman Bérard, Alma & Urgel Lécuyer
woman Berger, Catherine X René Mailhot