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Tip: With Advanced Search you can easily create lists like: all persons with surname Schaap who were born between 1820 and 1840 in Amsterdam
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man Baribeau, Yvan & Gisèle Larcher* ‎1942† ‎Mar 2006† Pointe Gatineau PQ
woman Baril, Louise & Étienne Brunet
woman Baril, Louise & Jean Germain
woman Baril, Parmélie & Amédé Roy
man Barille, François X Catherine Ligneron
woman Barille, Jeanne X David Létourneau
man Barrette, Gabriel & Marguerite Carré* ‎17 Jan 1852* Maniwaki, PQ
man Barrette, Joseph & Marie Alda Auger
woman Barrette, Linda X Gilles Goulard* ‎4 Jul 1964
man Barriault, Leo & Gilberte Piquette
man Barriault, Maurice
woman Barriault, Paulette X Maurice Ross
man Barriault, Percy
woman Barriault, Robert
woman Barriault, Suzette
woman Barriset, Anne & Nicolas Crevier
woman Barrois, Agathe X Jean-Baptiste Réaume
man Barrois, François & Marie-Anne Sauvage
man Barrow, Ken & Gisèle Constantin
man Barry, Eugene & Florence Rohl
woman Barry, Margaret Elizabeth X Albert Bossé* ‎25 Oct 1941* Calgary ALTA
woman Barthe, Charlotte X Étienne Louis Réaume
man Barthe, Pierre & Charlotte Chapoton
woman Basque, Sheila & Edward Charette
man Basset, Robert X Michelle Constantin* North Bay, ON
woman Bastille, Renée La & René Gauthier
man Baudet, Côme X Lucia Beaumier
man Baudet, Elphège & Thérèse Deshaies
woman Baudet, Francoise X Claude Boulard
man Baudet, Tertulien X Alexandrine Beaumier
woman Baudet-Lapointe, Barbe & Féréol Roy
man Bauer, Ken X Leiah Cassian Beck* ‎24 Apr 1972
man Baumont, Jean X Marie Lumon
woman Bayford, Angela Ann X Glen Scott* ‎9 Jan 1973* Sudbury, ON. Canada
woman Bayford, Cassandra Rae* ‎6 Jan 1991
man Bayford, Eric William George Thomas* ‎22 Jan 1999
man Bayford, George Thomas X Laura Kahara* ‎13 Mar 1967* Sudbury, ON. Canada
man Bayford, Thomas & Hazel Carter
man Bayford, Tommy George X Gisèle Bossé* ‎26 Apr 1947
man Bazin, Pierre X N.N.* ‎2 Sep 1713