man‎Alan Daniel‏‎
Born ‎28 Nov 1966‎, age 58 years
They bought a house in Bolton,north of Toronto.Brand new,being built,4 BR......big house

Married ‎30 Oct 1998 St Lucia, West Indies, age 31 years (married 26 years) to:

woman‎Kimberly Boulard‏‎
Born ‎28 Apr 1969 Sudbury, Ontario‎, age 55 years

Marriage took place:Friday,Oct.30th at 4 PM at the Windjammer Landing Resort.In Labrelotte Bay,St Lucia,West Indies.....Meal took place at the Mango Tree Restaurant at 7 PM.Cocktails at 6 PM.


man‎Nathan Robert Daniel‏‎
Born ‎14 Sep 2001 Toronto, Ontario‎, age 23 years
Birth weight 9lbs.1oz,labour of 10 hours,light brown hair.Time of 1415 PM